Palliative Care
St Elizabeth Hospice
St Elizabeth Hospice improves life for people living with progressive and life-limiting illnesses. Our work is centred around an individual's needs. We provide specialist support wherever it is needed, in your home, in the community or at our hospice.
0800 567 0111
Where you can be cared for
If you are approaching the end of life, you may be offered care in a variety of settings. The palliative care team will organise for you to be cared for according to your wishes.
What end of life care involves
End of life care is support for people who are in the last months or years of their life.
End of life care should help you to live as well as possible until you die and to die with dignity. The people providing your care should ask you about your wishes and preferences, and take these into account as they work with you to plan your care. They should also support your family, carers or other people who are important to you.
End of Life Care
You may not need to move away from home to receive care, as end of life and hospice care can be provided at home. To find out what’s available locally, ask your GP.
Dr Kate Granger, was a great supporter of NCPC and Dying Matters and she spoke at a number of events. Dr Granger launched the #hellomynameis campaign. It’s not always easy to talk about death or dying but when we don’t talk about what matters it can increase feelings of isolation, loneliness and distress.